Sunday, 3 June 2012

'Happy Day to You' Charlie!

So the little man is now 2. Yesterday was a milestone for both Simon and I as parents (and the amazing fact that we have kept another human alive) and for Charlie in that he most certainly is not the tiny bundle that came home with us so very long ago.

The morning started well - we actually got to sleep until 6am (which in parent-time is almost considered a sleep-in) we also got to lay in bed together while Charlie showed Henry how to play games on Simon's iPhone and when we did finally head up to the loungeroom, well - of course Charlie went into a wrapping-paper frenzy.

There were several lovely new books, a Fireman Sam costume, a Fireman Sam DVD (Oh I'm TOTES excited to watch that non-stop for the next fortnight at least) and yes he even gave a sideways glance at the new train table (which was covered in his usual Duplo people) but none of that mattered when he got to open his last present. Because just like in the movie, once the following came along, everything else became crap and not worth looking at...

The fact that he was a Buzz Lightyear wrapped in Buzz Lightyear paper made it the-very-best-present-ever-given-in-the-history-of-present-giving-EVER.

This will probably be the only time Simon and I get it right in regards to buying Charlie something that he actually wants and not the daggy parent-alternative that I'm sure grownups seemed to do when I was little. WINNING.

So moving on, we splurged and had Maccas for breakfast, had a swimming lesson and then drove straight up to Launceston to watch the football.  Little did we know that Buddy Franklin had heard it was Charlie's birthday and decided that in celebration he would kick 13 goals (his game record) just for him.

To finish the day off we called in to see my parents and celebrated with cheesecake which ironically Charlie refused to eat (maybe because he spat all over it whilst blowing out the candles... Eww remind me why we ate it then? Gross.)

And so ends a busy day. I was tired, Simon was tired, Charlie and Henry were wide awake because they'd napped in the car, so of course we then got to stay up late entertaining them until they finally crashed out at 10.30 or so. Joy.

I have a little/big man who was thoroughly spoilt by his family and sent copious amounts of love and well wishes on Facebook (I'm sure with how tech-savvy he is, he'll have an account set up before he gets to kinder) and texts. I'm sure if he could read them he would hi-five each and every one of you back in appreciation.

Looking forward to the actual party next Saturday. Far out, if this is his second birthday how full on is his third going to be???

Love love,

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