Monday, 28 May 2012

Fireman Sam vs Shaun the Sheep

So within the next few days (June 2nd) Charlie turns 2. This scares the hell out of me for two simple reasons:

1. Toddlers at the age of 2 are nightmares.
2. I have to tackle a 2nd birthday party.

Now luckily (or not-so-luckily) Charlie has already started pushing every button he can to drive his mumma up the wall so it's not actually something which is just going to start like this "BAM". It's like a game. A game that never ends and that I cannot escape. A game in which there is never a winner. EVER.  I know all parents think their kids are smart, but I KNOW Charlie is cluey because he out-smarts me all the time (and back in the day before the copious amounts of sleep-deprivation I used to be considered intelligent myself). HOW ON EARTH CAN A NOT-EVEN-2-YEAR-OLD-YET do this to his mother (and his father) constantly? So yes, the Terrible-Twos started MONTHS AGO for us.

The party however I'm a bit excited for. Charlie's latest obsession (this is a very vague term - he practically worships the show) is Fireman Sam. To be honest, there are far worse things he could be interested in. And so I have allowed him to adore it, watch it constantly etc and begun work on a Fireman Party.

Pinterest has been great for ideas and tomorrow I think I'll take some photos of the things I've made to make it special. There are several sweet treats which will have a fireman-theme and the cake... Well lets just say I haven't picked the easiest cake to make. Goodness knows if I'll be able to manage it anyway! For now the only photo I have uploaded onto the laptop is what his invitations look like...

But as quickly as he dropped Cars for Toy Story, and Toy Story for Fireman Sam, he is fast becoming a HUGE fan of Shaun the Sheep.

Now to be honest I don't mind at all, I actually love Shaun the sheep. A lot. and I would probably watch it if it was on TV and he wasn't here anyway. BUT HE CAN'T CHANGE OBSESSIONS WHEN I'VE WORKED SO HARD ON THIS RUDDY PARTY.

Seriously. I'm just hoping he doesn't look at the balloons and fireman cake and all the lollies and party food, shrug his shoulders and say "Mum... Shaun da Sheep DBD peeese."

I think I'm over-stressing. Wow, something new right there.

Love love,


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