Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Sleep is for the weak...

Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. It's all I want to do and when I finally get the chance to indulge in some extra Zzz's, I cannot for the life of me catch any. It, I must say, is so frustrating!

Braxton Hicks - the practice contractions you sometimes are unlucky enough to cop when you're up the duff, are probably the only thing worse than the sleep deprivation. Some of my finer efforts include laying on my side, unable to move/speak/breath for several seconds while the tightening makes itself at home in my uterus and the embarrassing moment where I try and stretch through a wave of them at traffic lights in the car and later realise anyone who had pulled up beside me must've thought I was a bit of a weirdo.

But, I am blessed with the thought that I am 36 weeks pregnant. Technically I've only got 4 weeks left of this uncomfortably wonderful time - but I know how many days less than 4 weeks I've got before they induce me - and just because I haven't told you doesn't mean I'm not quietly shitting myself that I won't even make it that far.

Ok. Rant over. Bed time. Night all.


Friday, 18 November 2011

A 'Just Me' Day.

So the vibe I've been getting from pretty much all around me is that I'm not resting enough. Honestly, it's not as though I'm out to run a marathon or save the world - all I'm trying to do is keep my house functioning and raise an overly-active toddler.

OK so maybe that is pretty hard work at the best of times.

Anyway, this brings me to the point of today. It was one of my final days off in my last few weeks before maternity leave starts (3 weeks left and of those 3 weeks, only 11 work days to go!) And as I had the entire day off without Charlie or Simon it was pretty obvious what I needed to do - Ignore the housework and relax.

So I started my morning with a leisurely cup of tea and some toast, mucked about on the laptop for a bit and snoozed ever so slightly in between.

After I'd exhausted all avenues on my laptop for entertainment I decided to run a bath - something I rarely do and yet seem to overly enjoy when I actually do get the time for one. Below you will see exactly how awesome our bathtub can look when all of the bath toys are removed and a few fancy candles are strategically placed around. Posh.

Following this long and much appreciated bath, I managed to do something I'm sure many pregnant women wish they could - shave my legs. Boys you may laugh at this but well, you are reading a pregnant woman's blog and this is the kind of shit I post about. You have no idea how freaking proud I was that I managed to stop them looking like cactus poles. Ahem... Moving along.

A trip to Savoy Baths later and one Baby Back Massage (where you get to use the funny little pregnancy table with the hole in the middle for your bump) later I was feeling pretty relaxed. I mean - I could've just melted into the pavement in the bus mall as I stepped out of the building. If you'd seen me you would've thought I was possibly off my face. I guess hormonally I am always off my face lately so actually you would've been right.

What better way to finish up my glamorous 'Me' day than to indulge in some Chocolate Coma-Inducing goodies. Which is what I did. At Dome, I think Dash quite liked this bit because he went a bit nuts rolypolying afterwards.

I must say - I like these 'Me' days. I think I'll have a few more of them as often as I can. And now that Charlie is off at his grandparents and Simon is at Beerfest I've got the house to myself, the bed to myself and... wow... This is possibly the best day of the last few weeks by far!


Thursday, 10 November 2011

And the final result...

Everything is fine. I knew I was getting myself worked up over nothing. But it is better to be safe than sorry.

I did manage to stay home through the night and just called my Obs office in the morning and they instructed me to waddle on in to the hospital.

Not wanting to argue with a medical professional I did as instructed and made my way there. Once sitting in a birthing suite (did that freak me out just a tiny bit? Yes it did) a very nice nurse named Sally put those listening disk things (absolutely the technical term for them) on my ol' tum and for 30 minutes I got to do one of my favourite things in pregnancy - listen to my baby's heartbeat.

That boy is most certainly a mover and a shaker - he wriggled and jiggled and even got a round of hiccups at one point. Very cute.

But the main educational learning of the visit is that A) Braxton Hicks are more common in second pregnancies, B) You are more likely to have heaps of the bloody things and they are more likely to hurt like hell, and C) You basically have to just suck it up and ignore them because they probably won't stop.

So I have a fun last few weeks ahead of me.

Very much so looking forward to meeting my baby boy - But I am happy to wait a few more weeks for him to get bigger and stronger first.


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Not Ready

The last 24 hours have been very strange. I have had moments where I have actually thought just maybe the scary concept of premature labour was starting, followed by moments of 'Don't be so bloody stupid woman'.

Ever since I went to bed last night I've felt off. Looking down at my bump I've come to the conclusion that it's further away from my head than it was yesterday - and Dr Google says that this could possibly be the baby dropping into position.

The change in pressure on my abdomen and the fact that I've been getting Braxton Hicks all day (and frequently too i might add) sort-of sealed this possibility in my mind. Also now there is the added bonus that almost every jab and kick Dash makes is uncomfortable and sometimes quite painful.

So at some stage have I bothered seeking proper medical advice? Not yet. I have thumbed through the hospital booklet and debated late this evening if I should just let them know I'm slightly freaked out... But I just keep trying to imagine that this will pass and I'll be fine.

You may be relieved to know I have made a deal with my mad-self to contact my Obstetrician first thing in the morning if it doesn't get any better. Promise.

You never know, I may end up visiting those lovely midwives overnight and give you another update on the story tomorrow. But let's hope not.

I don't want to meet Dash just yet. We're not ready for this. I want him to stay put and grow a little more first...
