Shortly after Charlie was born, Simon and I had Gold Glass tickets we needed to use up within the space of a week or so. There was nothing either of us really wanted to see and so we ended up going to 'Life as we know it'.
For new parents it was very funny, taking everything you have to learn as a new parent and throwing it up there on the big screen - it was even where Charlie's poop face was named.
Tonight, watching it again however I could barely stop myself crying throughout most of the movie. Yes it is deemed a Romantic Comedy but when you really think about it, the romance and funny bits about being parents are really just this light-hearted fluff on top of something so much more meaningful.
Two people who love a child so much that they will do anything for them - Just like parents, even when this is not biologically so.
It got me thinking about what would happen to Charlie and possibly Dash if anything were to happen to Simon and I? The thought of either of my boys being raised by anyone other than us seems completely off limits to think about because it makes me too sad. The thought of them calling someone else 'Mummy' is almost too much to take entirely.
It is like being sucked into an emotional whirlwind, I haven't felt like this such a long time... and I thought I was being more relaxed this pregnancy around!
Must remember - don't watch this movie again until all pregnancy hormones are out of the system! (Three Mars Bars later I do feel a bit better though).
Saturday 2nd March, 2013
When you are young, slightly crazy and completely mad for someone - it makes sense to get married. It also helps if that someone asks you if you would like to infact get married, otherwise it's just wishful thinking. Lucky I got asked...
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Yeah he really bit me...
We have all seen this YouTube clip at some point or another, we have all had a bit of a giggle about it too.
Hmm... Well today I was having a full body hug with Charlie and he just so happend to sink his darling little chompers into my left shoulder. I know he didn't do it maliciously and it's more of an "I'm so excited I could nip you" type of thing but - I kid you not, through my shirt and hoody he managed to draw blood.
So down he went onto the floor, on went the grumpy mummy voice and on went the waterworks. Not impressed.
A few minutes later we did have a lovely cuddle to make up for it but far out that boy has a jaw of steel! We also had a chat about not biting people because it hurts and although I don't know how much he really understood he seemed to shake his head whenever I did so here is hoping some of it sunk it. (Like his teeth did).
And if you were wondering - my favourite song from Hydrotherapy tonight was that Abba one, I think it's called I Have A Dream or Across The Sea. Or something. Pan flute was out - it was amazing.
Hmm... Well today I was having a full body hug with Charlie and he just so happend to sink his darling little chompers into my left shoulder. I know he didn't do it maliciously and it's more of an "I'm so excited I could nip you" type of thing but - I kid you not, through my shirt and hoody he managed to draw blood.
So down he went onto the floor, on went the grumpy mummy voice and on went the waterworks. Not impressed.
A few minutes later we did have a lovely cuddle to make up for it but far out that boy has a jaw of steel! We also had a chat about not biting people because it hurts and although I don't know how much he really understood he seemed to shake his head whenever I did so here is hoping some of it sunk it. (Like his teeth did).
And if you were wondering - my favourite song from Hydrotherapy tonight was that Abba one, I think it's called I Have A Dream or Across The Sea. Or something. Pan flute was out - it was amazing.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Dresses of Yesterday...
So I've been day dreaming non-stop about my dress... well to be honest about two dresses. Two very very lovely dresses. I decided to do a bit of a Google Search for dresses that were popular in a few random decades just to see what other ladies wore for their big days.
I'm totally into puffy dresses but maybe something a little less uh, well... something nicer anyways.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Sunday Night Blogging...
So after such a fun-filled weekend I feel the week may prove to be slightly boring - it'll be just work work and more work. Now don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy my job, it's just after a new car, trying on dizzyingly exciting amounts of white dresses and so much wonderful company this weekend I don't really want it to end.
Gosh. Well, there is only one thing for it. Tomorrow morning, I'll start calling around to make appointments to try on more dresses! Woohoo!
It's Sunday night and the house is silent. For once in my life I'm actually going to get to bed before 9.30pm. That my friends, is a record. Two of my boys are in bed already and I have a third currently doing karate kicks in my tummy because I've got the laptop on my legs and I get the impression he's not a fan of the humming sensation... sorry little one. I'll go to bed now too is that OK?
Life, is lovely.
Night lovely ones,
Gosh. Well, there is only one thing for it. Tomorrow morning, I'll start calling around to make appointments to try on more dresses! Woohoo!
It's Sunday night and the house is silent. For once in my life I'm actually going to get to bed before 9.30pm. That my friends, is a record. Two of my boys are in bed already and I have a third currently doing karate kicks in my tummy because I've got the laptop on my legs and I get the impression he's not a fan of the humming sensation... sorry little one. I'll go to bed now too is that OK?
Life, is lovely.
Night lovely ones,
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Finding 'The Dress'.
They say when you see it you know. And boy were they right. I got to see myself in several pretty dresses today. Ranging from white, to ivory to champagne, some poofy, some floaty and some slinky. The dress I had in mind unfortunately didn't excite me quite as much as I had hoped it would.
Perhaps it was because I had put such high hopes on it that it was just never going to live up to my expectations - but it just wasn't right.
I was momentarily dismayed at this prospect, but after changing shops it was clear that I needed to be a little more open minded for finding the perfect dress for me and looking online is risky unless there is the ability for me to see and touch the dress in question.
So trying on some other styles, I quickly grasped the concept that although my boobs and belly are larger than normal, there were certain dresses that suited me and certain ones that definitely belong on somebody else.
The one thing I was NOT expecting to happen today was for me to actually put a dress on, well up in tears when a vail was placed over my head and think "This is the dress I'm going to take a life-altering step in". That moment ladies, is magical. It is almost as elating as holding your baby for the first time - seriously, I put it on par with that overwhelming sensation of pure happiness.
The way it sat on my body, accentuated all my good bits and hid the other parts that obviously I don't want out on show - it was just perfect. And although I do promise to keep looking, I think the bar has been set and for it to actually be shifted would take another dress of MAGNIFICENT quality and amazingness to sway me.
I am now fully aware that I have a strong need to 'up' my budget for my dress, so I guess I'll be cutting costs for the big day elsewhere. Not sure how yet - but if I'd known my 'wanting' would be this strong for a particular piece of fabric I would've possibly created a backup plan.
I must tell you (if you haven't already heard of it) that Studio White in Burnie is a fantastic little shop, tucked neatly away in a far of corner of Tassie. If you are in Hobart it is well worth dragging your bridesmaids along for a road trip to check it out. Their details are on my links page or you can just go here...
Perhaps it was because I had put such high hopes on it that it was just never going to live up to my expectations - but it just wasn't right.
I was momentarily dismayed at this prospect, but after changing shops it was clear that I needed to be a little more open minded for finding the perfect dress for me and looking online is risky unless there is the ability for me to see and touch the dress in question.
So trying on some other styles, I quickly grasped the concept that although my boobs and belly are larger than normal, there were certain dresses that suited me and certain ones that definitely belong on somebody else.
The one thing I was NOT expecting to happen today was for me to actually put a dress on, well up in tears when a vail was placed over my head and think "This is the dress I'm going to take a life-altering step in". That moment ladies, is magical. It is almost as elating as holding your baby for the first time - seriously, I put it on par with that overwhelming sensation of pure happiness.
The way it sat on my body, accentuated all my good bits and hid the other parts that obviously I don't want out on show - it was just perfect. And although I do promise to keep looking, I think the bar has been set and for it to actually be shifted would take another dress of MAGNIFICENT quality and amazingness to sway me.
I am now fully aware that I have a strong need to 'up' my budget for my dress, so I guess I'll be cutting costs for the big day elsewhere. Not sure how yet - but if I'd known my 'wanting' would be this strong for a particular piece of fabric I would've possibly created a backup plan.
I must tell you (if you haven't already heard of it) that Studio White in Burnie is a fantastic little shop, tucked neatly away in a far of corner of Tassie. If you are in Hobart it is well worth dragging your bridesmaids along for a road trip to check it out. Their details are on my links page or you can just go here...
The car went like a dream in case you were wondering. I am so very very glad it is ours. I thought I would want to share the driving job but really I didn't feel as though I drove for around 8 hours all up!
What an awesome fantastic wonderful day. Especially when Chloe (my Maid of Honour) said "What? Do you have a blog?" Talk about support! At least you all read this.
Oh and whilst I have your attention that sketch is just up for show. Not what I have picked out (maybe) but I did promise photos and now because I want it to be a surprise I don't really want to share them! Also the sketch is in no way mine, I found it on Google - I'm sure if you looked up Wedding Dress Sketches you would find a whole heap and see where this one came from too. So if you really want to check it out - happy hunting!
Friday, 22 July 2011
Wowsers - 5000 Views.
Hey just quickly - This has left me a bit stunned. I cannot believe so many people have flicked through my blog pages. I actually feel a bit touched (no not in the head).
So tomorrow I am going to Ulverstone. I say this to people and their first wonderful reaction is "Um, why would you go to Ulverstone?" and they crinkle their nose. I would go to Ulverstone to see my (hopefully) wedding dress sillies!
Yes that is right - it is at Lush in Ulverstone, the ONLY place that stocks the designer and dress range here in Tassie. You've got to love how we are spoilt for choice.
Now I will certainly NOT be sharing any photos with you because obviously if it is 'The Dress' it needs to remain a surprise. But I am hoping to get a few dresses on so you can see me in a bit of a montage. You know - that might be fun.
The lovely ladies joining me are Han, Teegs, Chloe and Emma. Will be lovely. Also, we are going to go up and see Hannah's dress in Burnie. I can guarantee we will be all white-dressed out by the end of the day. Especially because the drive will be SOOOOO long!
Yes that is right - it is at Lush in Ulverstone, the ONLY place that stocks the designer and dress range here in Tassie. You've got to love how we are spoilt for choice.
Now I will certainly NOT be sharing any photos with you because obviously if it is 'The Dress' it needs to remain a surprise. But I am hoping to get a few dresses on so you can see me in a bit of a montage. You know - that might be fun.
The lovely ladies joining me are Han, Teegs, Chloe and Emma. Will be lovely. Also, we are going to go up and see Hannah's dress in Burnie. I can guarantee we will be all white-dressed out by the end of the day. Especially because the drive will be SOOOOO long!
And how are we getting there? Our new car. Finally got the keys for it today. Ford Territory. Goes very nicely. I feel like I can crush other cars in it. Yeah - maybe not.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Gallery Goodness
So it's 10pm. I have a very upset child who is sick and we're all just a little bit hysterical. What can I do to calm my nerves... fix that stupid Engagement Party Gallery. (Yes this probably did actually stress me out even more but I really wanted to get it done).

This is done. It is awesome now! Go and check yourselves out on the Gallery page!
Also pray that our night be as sleep-filled as possible. Otherwise I may just die at work tomorrow.
This is done. It is awesome now! Go and check yourselves out on the Gallery page!
Also pray that our night be as sleep-filled as possible. Otherwise I may just die at work tomorrow.
So when a girl is actually a boy...
So yesterday I raved about how I was totally OK with having a boy. Truth is I think it's been a bit of a bigger shock than I expected. I really was totally convinced in my head that I had a little miss in there. Now I feel a bit guilty because its like "Sorry little one - I'm only just meeting you for the first time because you seem like a totally different baby." I actually get this tiny notion that I've lost a little girl and found a little boy... it's really weird.
Simon and I sat on the couch last night and we have composed a big list of boy names we either both like or at least one of us likes. Please be warned now we are not naming this little man until he comes out so don't pester us too much about it. As with Charlie, we will take one look at him and say "You my friend, are a ......., welcome to the world."
It was a funny sensation, sitting together after I got home from Hydrotherapy. Both continually saying to the other "You really are happy about it aren't you?" both I think secretly hoping the other will say, "Well no, I kind of had my heart set on a girl" so we don't feel so bad about kind of thinking the same thing.
But as I said yesterday - we make awesome little boys so as long as this little man is healthy we really have nothing to complain about.
Now - having said all of this, Dott is no longer appropriate. Neither is Dott and the Whale. So what we are doing is changing baby's new belly-name to Dash (Keeping with the Morse-code theme) and because my tummy is about to look like I've swallowed a bolder the new name of my blog will be Balderdash, taken from the game. Clever huh? (And you thought all my braincells were screwy!)
That is all for now.
Simon and I sat on the couch last night and we have composed a big list of boy names we either both like or at least one of us likes. Please be warned now we are not naming this little man until he comes out so don't pester us too much about it. As with Charlie, we will take one look at him and say "You my friend, are a ......., welcome to the world."
It was a funny sensation, sitting together after I got home from Hydrotherapy. Both continually saying to the other "You really are happy about it aren't you?" both I think secretly hoping the other will say, "Well no, I kind of had my heart set on a girl" so we don't feel so bad about kind of thinking the same thing.
But as I said yesterday - we make awesome little boys so as long as this little man is healthy we really have nothing to complain about.
Now - having said all of this, Dott is no longer appropriate. Neither is Dott and the Whale. So what we are doing is changing baby's new belly-name to Dash (Keeping with the Morse-code theme) and because my tummy is about to look like I've swallowed a bolder the new name of my blog will be Balderdash, taken from the game. Clever huh? (And you thought all my braincells were screwy!)
That is all for now.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
May I have the envelope please...
So this morning Charlie and I headed to my Obs Checkup. Pretty routine. Except we could find out for sure what Dott's gender was. Oh yes, we were incredibly excited.
Because Simon couldn't attend with us he went off to work and whilst Dr Turner was rolling the scan-thing over my tummy (with Charlie straddled on my lap watching her intently) we got to see the little head and spine on the tiny black telly of what will grow to become his younger sibling.
I asked Dr Turner to write the gender down on a piece of paper and pop it in an envelope so I could take it to Simon and we could open it together. She was totally fine with this. She also said that it was very easy to tell what it was and she was very certain about it. Good grief. I had no idea if this meant there was a big willy plonked there now or if the giny bits were obvious...
Charlie and I battled the cold up to Simon's work, and standing in the lobby by ourselves Simon does the honours and opens up the envelope. Inside is a little yellow sticky note. And on it is one word scrawled in what can only be a Doctor's writing.
Because Simon couldn't attend with us he went off to work and whilst Dr Turner was rolling the scan-thing over my tummy (with Charlie straddled on my lap watching her intently) we got to see the little head and spine on the tiny black telly of what will grow to become his younger sibling.
I asked Dr Turner to write the gender down on a piece of paper and pop it in an envelope so I could take it to Simon and we could open it together. She was totally fine with this. She also said that it was very easy to tell what it was and she was very certain about it. Good grief. I had no idea if this meant there was a big willy plonked there now or if the giny bits were obvious...
Charlie and I battled the cold up to Simon's work, and standing in the lobby by ourselves Simon does the honours and opens up the envelope. Inside is a little yellow sticky note. And on it is one word scrawled in what can only be a Doctor's writing.
And wow, has that word turned my entire day upside down. I was so convinced it was a girl. Certainly NOT dissapointed (incase that's what you're thinking) just slightly shocked and waiting for the feeling to return to my toes. I'm not worried about boys - I have one absolutely brilliant one already so I know I can mother them... it's just... can you imagine two? At about 9-10? DESTROYING MY HOUSE? I'm a tiny bit frightened.
I have had my hand taken by my Supervisor at work and these words "Welcome to our world" spoken so softly and in the meaning of "Mother's with only boys" goodness me.
What a whirlwind this is going to be.
And most certainly how happy I have made Charlie and even Simon.. I will be so totally outnumbered on family trips, I may want to go shopping but they will all want to go watch cricket or footy. 3 against 1!
But anywhos... This is grand news. I am excited, Simon is excited and as this slowly leaks out I'm assuming people will be excited too.
Sorry I lied to you at the Engagement party! I really did think the nurse was right!!
Friday, 8 July 2011
Roly Polys
So Dott has been moving a fair bit today. It is so lovely. I had forgotten how wonderful this feeling was. It is like a flutter that I know will eventually change to be a massive boot in the ribs. But for now her teeny tiny roly polys are wonderful. They reassure me that everything is OK and they remind me exactly the reason I was put on this earth for - to create new life.
We got to see our little friend baby Sophie (9 weeks old) on Wednesday and she reminded me how tiny they can be, and Charlie then made sure I remembered that a big boofa baby is still just as gorgeous by doing cute face as he threw balls from the ballpit all around the lounge room.
So am I looking forward to the new-baby-smell? YES, yes I am. Hoorah!
I love life right about now :)
We got to see our little friend baby Sophie (9 weeks old) on Wednesday and she reminded me how tiny they can be, and Charlie then made sure I remembered that a big boofa baby is still just as gorgeous by doing cute face as he threw balls from the ballpit all around the lounge room.
So am I looking forward to the new-baby-smell? YES, yes I am. Hoorah!
I love life right about now :)
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Count Your Blessings
So I complain a bit about morning sickness. And by a bit I actually mean HEAPS. Most of the time it is justified because I really do feel like utter crap... but something hit me last night which I think will stop me whinging quite so loudly.
A close friends current health status made me realise that although I wake up and want to throw my guts up every morning, I am actually a healthy individual. Me complaining about a bit of queasiness is really just a bit ridiculous.
And for anyone else who loves to whinge in general - you should take this little note on board too, no matter how awful your day may seem, somebody else is doing it tougher than you, so stop complaining and get on with it!
A close friends current health status made me realise that although I wake up and want to throw my guts up every morning, I am actually a healthy individual. Me complaining about a bit of queasiness is really just a bit ridiculous.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011
The Woman - She does tend to rabbit on.
Yeah, I do. I love to talk - about babies, about getting married and just in general. Sometimes my talking turns into ranting but I think we can just blame the hormones for that.
I get so worked up watching the news, reading things in the newspaper or online and even on Facebook, sometimes I wonder if it would be worth it just not looking at any of it. Simon will tell you I'm not a very good movie person (as I'll refuse to watch anything that is scary, like, at all) so when it's real life news it makes it ten times worse. And then I end up crying because I feel helpless.
I know we all feel like that sometimes but when you're pregnant, the tears come flooding at many things you wouldn't even expect to make you cry - like seeing an old person eating lunch by themselves in a cafe (yeah that one got me the other day).
Hmm, what is is going on besides the roller coaster in my head?
Oh, so last night I tried to sleep without my body pillow - big mistake. At about 4.30am this morning (when our cat went a little bit feral and woke us up) I realised that I was in absolute agony. So back up it came and 'bugger-off-simon' tada! I was able to sleep soundly again. Thank goodness.
If there was ONE thing I would recommend to have during pregnancy it would be a body pillow. You can get them from The Mart or Big W and they aren't too expensive - and if you're other half is sick of you throwing all your weight on them whilst you sleep they will love your body pillow too.
Hmm, that's all for today.
I get so worked up watching the news, reading things in the newspaper or online and even on Facebook, sometimes I wonder if it would be worth it just not looking at any of it. Simon will tell you I'm not a very good movie person (as I'll refuse to watch anything that is scary, like, at all) so when it's real life news it makes it ten times worse. And then I end up crying because I feel helpless.
I know we all feel like that sometimes but when you're pregnant, the tears come flooding at many things you wouldn't even expect to make you cry - like seeing an old person eating lunch by themselves in a cafe (yeah that one got me the other day).
Hmm, what is is going on besides the roller coaster in my head?
Oh, so last night I tried to sleep without my body pillow - big mistake. At about 4.30am this morning (when our cat went a little bit feral and woke us up) I realised that I was in absolute agony. So back up it came and 'bugger-off-simon' tada! I was able to sleep soundly again. Thank goodness.
If there was ONE thing I would recommend to have during pregnancy it would be a body pillow. You can get them from The Mart or Big W and they aren't too expensive - and if you're other half is sick of you throwing all your weight on them whilst you sleep they will love your body pillow too.
Hmm, that's all for today.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Attack of the Preggy Hormones
So as you can see, my hormones have gone a bit whack and I have taken over the wedding blog with a pregnancy blog. Please believe me when I say this is temporary. I just don't see much point me NOT talking about getting married because I'm too busy trying to remember why I put the milk in the pantry.
Dott and the Whale, why this I hear you ask?
Well, if you are familiar with this classic 1987 children's movie, you will be aware that Dot saves a whale, hence the movie title. Since my sister and I loved this movie to death, it was natural that when I announced we were calling this baby Dott (Whilst it floats about in my belly), that she decided it would only be appropriate to refer to myself as the 'Whale'. Hence Dott and the Whale. Yeah, really makes me feel good about myself that one!
So if you weren't 'in the know' the following are the facts about Dott:
Dott and the Whale, why this I hear you ask?
Well, if you are familiar with this classic 1987 children's movie, you will be aware that Dot saves a whale, hence the movie title. Since my sister and I loved this movie to death, it was natural that when I announced we were calling this baby Dott (Whilst it floats about in my belly), that she decided it would only be appropriate to refer to myself as the 'Whale'. Hence Dott and the Whale. Yeah, really makes me feel good about myself that one!
So if you weren't 'in the know' the following are the facts about Dott:
- Dott is a girl (60% accurate and she may grow a willy)
- Dott is due on Christmas Day
- Dott makes me feel sick almost ALL THE TIME.
- Dott flitters about now
- Dott sucks her thumb
For a little person about 15 weeks old I think that is quite an impressive resume, don't you?
Over the next two weeks I will be updating our Bridal Party page with amusing stories about each of the people who we have asked to help us out with our big day. So keep an eye on this - Also I'm still arguing with the photos from the Engagement party, it is an argument I am losing so please don't lose hope, you will get to see your wonderful smiling faces soon!
AAAAND, one of my Bridesmaids Hannah, has herself gotten engaged - this is awesome. I like having lots of engaged friends because we can all talk WEDDINGS all the time. To top this exciting news off she has also asked me to be her Maid of Honour. I am very excited by this and look forward to having a ball of a time helping her arrange her big day.
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