This I'm sure is what Henry Peter Whitmore would say if he was able to muster up the vocab and energy.
It has been a whirlwind day - marked halfway by the arrival of 'Dash' at 2.30pm and weighing in at 5lb11oz.
I promise I will do this story justice. I made sure I documented some of my exploits so the random pregnant ravings should prove to be a hoot.
But for now I will leave you with this...
Saturday 2nd March, 2013
When you are young, slightly crazy and completely mad for someone - it makes sense to get married. It also helps if that someone asks you if you would like to infact get married, otherwise it's just wishful thinking. Lucky I got asked...
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
Not long now...
I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant. Only 1 more week of work to go. I actually think my body is going to shut down before my inducement date (still a secret - I'm so proud for not telling anyone!)
And I'm so effing tired all the time.
Even if it stuffs up my working plans, I don't care anymore. If Dash decided to pop out tomorrow I'd be OK with that. So very very over being preggers.
And I'm so effing tired all the time.
Even if it stuffs up my working plans, I don't care anymore. If Dash decided to pop out tomorrow I'd be OK with that. So very very over being preggers.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Sleep is for the weak...
Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. It's all I want to do and when I finally get the chance to indulge in some extra Zzz's, I cannot for the life of me catch any. It, I must say, is so frustrating!
Braxton Hicks - the practice contractions you sometimes are unlucky enough to cop when you're up the duff, are probably the only thing worse than the sleep deprivation. Some of my finer efforts include laying on my side, unable to move/speak/breath for several seconds while the tightening makes itself at home in my uterus and the embarrassing moment where I try and stretch through a wave of them at traffic lights in the car and later realise anyone who had pulled up beside me must've thought I was a bit of a weirdo.
But, I am blessed with the thought that I am 36 weeks pregnant. Technically I've only got 4 weeks left of this uncomfortably wonderful time - but I know how many days less than 4 weeks I've got before they induce me - and just because I haven't told you doesn't mean I'm not quietly shitting myself that I won't even make it that far.
Ok. Rant over. Bed time. Night all.
Braxton Hicks - the practice contractions you sometimes are unlucky enough to cop when you're up the duff, are probably the only thing worse than the sleep deprivation. Some of my finer efforts include laying on my side, unable to move/speak/breath for several seconds while the tightening makes itself at home in my uterus and the embarrassing moment where I try and stretch through a wave of them at traffic lights in the car and later realise anyone who had pulled up beside me must've thought I was a bit of a weirdo.
But, I am blessed with the thought that I am 36 weeks pregnant. Technically I've only got 4 weeks left of this uncomfortably wonderful time - but I know how many days less than 4 weeks I've got before they induce me - and just because I haven't told you doesn't mean I'm not quietly shitting myself that I won't even make it that far.
Ok. Rant over. Bed time. Night all.
Friday, 18 November 2011
A 'Just Me' Day.
So the vibe I've been getting from pretty much all around me is that I'm not resting enough. Honestly, it's not as though I'm out to run a marathon or save the world - all I'm trying to do is keep my house functioning and raise an overly-active toddler.
OK so maybe that is pretty hard work at the best of times.
Anyway, this brings me to the point of today. It was one of my final days off in my last few weeks before maternity leave starts (3 weeks left and of those 3 weeks, only 11 work days to go!) And as I had the entire day off without Charlie or Simon it was pretty obvious what I needed to do - Ignore the housework and relax.
So I started my morning with a leisurely cup of tea and some toast, mucked about on the laptop for a bit and snoozed ever so slightly in between.
OK so maybe that is pretty hard work at the best of times.
Anyway, this brings me to the point of today. It was one of my final days off in my last few weeks before maternity leave starts (3 weeks left and of those 3 weeks, only 11 work days to go!) And as I had the entire day off without Charlie or Simon it was pretty obvious what I needed to do - Ignore the housework and relax.
So I started my morning with a leisurely cup of tea and some toast, mucked about on the laptop for a bit and snoozed ever so slightly in between.
After I'd exhausted all avenues on my laptop for entertainment I decided to run a bath - something I rarely do and yet seem to overly enjoy when I actually do get the time for one. Below you will see exactly how awesome our bathtub can look when all of the bath toys are removed and a few fancy candles are strategically placed around. Posh.
Following this long and much appreciated bath, I managed to do something I'm sure many pregnant women wish they could - shave my legs. Boys you may laugh at this but well, you are reading a pregnant woman's blog and this is the kind of shit I post about. You have no idea how freaking proud I was that I managed to stop them looking like cactus poles. Ahem... Moving along.
A trip to Savoy Baths later and one Baby Back Massage (where you get to use the funny little pregnancy table with the hole in the middle for your bump) later I was feeling pretty relaxed. I mean - I could've just melted into the pavement in the bus mall as I stepped out of the building. If you'd seen me you would've thought I was possibly off my face. I guess hormonally I am always off my face lately so actually you would've been right.
What better way to finish up my glamorous 'Me' day than to indulge in some Chocolate Coma-Inducing goodies. Which is what I did. At Dome, I think Dash quite liked this bit because he went a bit nuts rolypolying afterwards.
I must say - I like these 'Me' days. I think I'll have a few more of them as often as I can. And now that Charlie is off at his grandparents and Simon is at Beerfest I've got the house to myself, the bed to myself and... wow... This is possibly the best day of the last few weeks by far!
Thursday, 10 November 2011
And the final result...
Everything is fine. I knew I was getting myself worked up over nothing. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
I did manage to stay home through the night and just called my Obs office in the morning and they instructed me to waddle on in to the hospital.
Not wanting to argue with a medical professional I did as instructed and made my way there. Once sitting in a birthing suite (did that freak me out just a tiny bit? Yes it did) a very nice nurse named Sally put those listening disk things (absolutely the technical term for them) on my ol' tum and for 30 minutes I got to do one of my favourite things in pregnancy - listen to my baby's heartbeat.
That boy is most certainly a mover and a shaker - he wriggled and jiggled and even got a round of hiccups at one point. Very cute.
But the main educational learning of the visit is that A) Braxton Hicks are more common in second pregnancies, B) You are more likely to have heaps of the bloody things and they are more likely to hurt like hell, and C) You basically have to just suck it up and ignore them because they probably won't stop.
So I have a fun last few weeks ahead of me.
Very much so looking forward to meeting my baby boy - But I am happy to wait a few more weeks for him to get bigger and stronger first.
I did manage to stay home through the night and just called my Obs office in the morning and they instructed me to waddle on in to the hospital.
Not wanting to argue with a medical professional I did as instructed and made my way there. Once sitting in a birthing suite (did that freak me out just a tiny bit? Yes it did) a very nice nurse named Sally put those listening disk things (absolutely the technical term for them) on my ol' tum and for 30 minutes I got to do one of my favourite things in pregnancy - listen to my baby's heartbeat.
That boy is most certainly a mover and a shaker - he wriggled and jiggled and even got a round of hiccups at one point. Very cute.
But the main educational learning of the visit is that A) Braxton Hicks are more common in second pregnancies, B) You are more likely to have heaps of the bloody things and they are more likely to hurt like hell, and C) You basically have to just suck it up and ignore them because they probably won't stop.
So I have a fun last few weeks ahead of me.
Very much so looking forward to meeting my baby boy - But I am happy to wait a few more weeks for him to get bigger and stronger first.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Not Ready
The last 24 hours have been very strange. I have had moments where I have actually thought just maybe the scary concept of premature labour was starting, followed by moments of 'Don't be so bloody stupid woman'.
Ever since I went to bed last night I've felt off. Looking down at my bump I've come to the conclusion that it's further away from my head than it was yesterday - and Dr Google says that this could possibly be the baby dropping into position.
The change in pressure on my abdomen and the fact that I've been getting Braxton Hicks all day (and frequently too i might add) sort-of sealed this possibility in my mind. Also now there is the added bonus that almost every jab and kick Dash makes is uncomfortable and sometimes quite painful.
So at some stage have I bothered seeking proper medical advice? Not yet. I have thumbed through the hospital booklet and debated late this evening if I should just let them know I'm slightly freaked out... But I just keep trying to imagine that this will pass and I'll be fine.
You may be relieved to know I have made a deal with my mad-self to contact my Obstetrician first thing in the morning if it doesn't get any better. Promise.
You never know, I may end up visiting those lovely midwives overnight and give you another update on the story tomorrow. But let's hope not.
I don't want to meet Dash just yet. We're not ready for this. I want him to stay put and grow a little more first...
Ever since I went to bed last night I've felt off. Looking down at my bump I've come to the conclusion that it's further away from my head than it was yesterday - and Dr Google says that this could possibly be the baby dropping into position.
The change in pressure on my abdomen and the fact that I've been getting Braxton Hicks all day (and frequently too i might add) sort-of sealed this possibility in my mind. Also now there is the added bonus that almost every jab and kick Dash makes is uncomfortable and sometimes quite painful.
So at some stage have I bothered seeking proper medical advice? Not yet. I have thumbed through the hospital booklet and debated late this evening if I should just let them know I'm slightly freaked out... But I just keep trying to imagine that this will pass and I'll be fine.
You may be relieved to know I have made a deal with my mad-self to contact my Obstetrician first thing in the morning if it doesn't get any better. Promise.
You never know, I may end up visiting those lovely midwives overnight and give you another update on the story tomorrow. But let's hope not.
I don't want to meet Dash just yet. We're not ready for this. I want him to stay put and grow a little more first...
Saturday, 29 October 2011
I feel a Sprinkling coming on...
So with the small affair that will be Dash's Baby Sprinkle on tomorrow, you would think that I'd find myself compelled to do something to ensure my house is spotless for my guests.
Sure I've vacuumed the carpet and somehow managed to get all of Charlie's toys from the floor to their rightful homes on his shelves, but do you think I can find any motivation to finish tidying my kitchen and dining room? The main area that will be in use tomorrow?
No, of course not.
This whole dilemma is not helped by the fact that my darling Bugg has decided that 30minutes sleep and several hours of hyperactivity will be sufficient 'play-stats' for the day.
We are currently trying our luck at a second sleep today. But by the sounds of it, Ginny and Piglet seem to be jumping around in the cot so we can probably safely assume sleep... Well it is just not going to happen.
So here we find me laying on the couch, eyes drooping dangerously close to being shut and a pelvis which feels as though it is second-hand (once owned by a 77 year old ballet dancer) and about as painful as it gets.
Not to mention the fact that this 'Sprinkle' is going to be taking place amongst a weekend of awful wind and weather which is not itself a sprinkle but a downpour.
Oh dear I'm complaining again. I shall stop and give your eyes a rest!!
Sure I've vacuumed the carpet and somehow managed to get all of Charlie's toys from the floor to their rightful homes on his shelves, but do you think I can find any motivation to finish tidying my kitchen and dining room? The main area that will be in use tomorrow?
No, of course not.
This whole dilemma is not helped by the fact that my darling Bugg has decided that 30minutes sleep and several hours of hyperactivity will be sufficient 'play-stats' for the day.
We are currently trying our luck at a second sleep today. But by the sounds of it, Ginny and Piglet seem to be jumping around in the cot so we can probably safely assume sleep... Well it is just not going to happen.
So here we find me laying on the couch, eyes drooping dangerously close to being shut and a pelvis which feels as though it is second-hand (once owned by a 77 year old ballet dancer) and about as painful as it gets.
Not to mention the fact that this 'Sprinkle' is going to be taking place amongst a weekend of awful wind and weather which is not itself a sprinkle but a downpour.
Oh dear I'm complaining again. I shall stop and give your eyes a rest!!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Temperatures, Tantrums and Tonsillitis
The last five days have been a roller coaster of fevers, tears and a whole lot of antibiotics. We woke up on Saturday morning and Bugg seemed reasonably 'off'. We still went swimming because he wasn't coughing and didn't have a runny nose but he just floated in the pool and barely moved at all.
Then after a day at the cricket I was hit with probably one of my scariest parenting moments to date. His temperature spiked, his eyes went glassy and both his arms and legs became very limp. He was hot to the touch - my own little hot water bottle. I panicked, terrified he was going to have a convulsion. Luckily for us though we'd had the foresight to ask his nan to bring along some panadol which dropped his temperature enough for us all to calm.
Sick little man could barely keep his eyes open :(
One $80 trip to the after-hours doctor later and our poor little man had tonsillitis. Not pleasant but of all the things it could've possibly been - probably one of the better outcomes.
So we knew what we were dealing with and had the antibiotics to battle it. Next came the 'sleeping' hurdle. Like a zombie I rose to him several times over the course of the weekend. He would just cry and cry, his throat sore and his temperature still blazing. There really is only so much panadol and water will do - especially at 3am in the morning. Sometimes I guess just screaming til you are red in the face and thrashing about on the bed is the only way to get the frustration out - and boy was Bugg showing us how tired and frustrated he actually was.
Sunday rolled around and my mum was kind enough to take Bugg and I up to her house, where he was able to play with nanny for a while and I was able to sleep for a solid two hours (It was amazing!)
Nanny showing Bugg the cows down the road from her house.
And now we've hit Wednesday. Still finishing off the course of antibiotics and having spent a day home with me on Monday and Daddy on Tuesday we have the miraculous return of our darling boy. Back to full health (with the small addition of a slight cough) and running amok in what will never really be my 'tidy' house. To be honest though you can give me a Bugg I can't keep up with over the snugly sick little man we had on the weekend ANY day.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
From the Obs Appt.
After my most recent appointment with the doctor:
Dash now has an arrival date. As my last post states, we're not telling anyone what date that actually is but I can tell you it's after I finish work on the 9th and before the 25th of December. So go nuts trying to guess the actual date :)
Apparently we're on track for a 6 pounder - this excites me so and Dash is currently snuggled down at a comfortable 1.4kgs. I'd like a smaller one than last time but I'm almost convinced that no matter what size he is, it'll still effing hurt on the day anyway :).
That's all I can think of for now. I'm about to take Bugg swimming and then for a play at the cricket. Good day ahead.
Dash now has an arrival date. As my last post states, we're not telling anyone what date that actually is but I can tell you it's after I finish work on the 9th and before the 25th of December. So go nuts trying to guess the actual date :)
Apparently we're on track for a 6 pounder - this excites me so and Dash is currently snuggled down at a comfortable 1.4kgs. I'd like a smaller one than last time but I'm almost convinced that no matter what size he is, it'll still effing hurt on the day anyway :).
That's all I can think of for now. I'm about to take Bugg swimming and then for a play at the cricket. Good day ahead.
Monday, 17 October 2011
The big 'Three-Oh'
Yeah so for many people, 30 is a scary number. But for us pregnant folk it symbolises the beginning of that downhill slope - even more so than the 28-week-start-of-trimester-3-moment.
There are just so many less things that can go wrong from here on out and it merely becomes a waiting game.
- Waiting for baby to get off your bladder...
- Waiting for Maternity Leave to start...
- Waiting for that rude person in front of you at Coles to hurry-the-eff up because your feet are sore from standing too long...
- Oh yes and of course waiting for that magical moment when you get to meet the little person you've been sharing your body with for the last several months.
And speaking of which, got an Obs appt this Wednesday. Excited for it mainly because I'm hoping to get a date sorted out to go 'Pop' like... well a balloon or other 'popable' entity.
Originally I was all for telling you when this date would be, but for whatever hormonal reason and chemical imbalance occurring in my head right now - I've actually decided to not tell you all. I mean, you know it will be a boy so I think just because Simon and I know, doesn't mean you should all have that surprise ruined too.
I hear some of you groaning because you think I'm being mean. Well 'poo' to you. We promise you will be the first to know when he DOES decide to join us - (Yeah you and all of Facebook).
I was very VERY lucky over the weekend to get to have some Maternity photos done by the lovely Ainslie at Wild Spirit Photography. To see what she managed to do in the space of a few short hours please check out her blog post here:
Finally, hitting 30 weeks I was ranting a while ago that I would be doing a Grand-Packing of all things tiny and birthy for the hospital. You will be pleased to know I have not packed a single thing - now THAT'S organisation. But I did find the following. And by oath it was cute. Big brother and little brother. Goodness me.
There are just so many less things that can go wrong from here on out and it merely becomes a waiting game.
- Waiting for baby to get off your bladder...
- Waiting for Maternity Leave to start...
- Waiting for that rude person in front of you at Coles to hurry-the-eff up because your feet are sore from standing too long...
- Oh yes and of course waiting for that magical moment when you get to meet the little person you've been sharing your body with for the last several months.
And speaking of which, got an Obs appt this Wednesday. Excited for it mainly because I'm hoping to get a date sorted out to go 'Pop' like... well a balloon or other 'popable' entity.
Originally I was all for telling you when this date would be, but for whatever hormonal reason and chemical imbalance occurring in my head right now - I've actually decided to not tell you all. I mean, you know it will be a boy so I think just because Simon and I know, doesn't mean you should all have that surprise ruined too.
I hear some of you groaning because you think I'm being mean. Well 'poo' to you. We promise you will be the first to know when he DOES decide to join us - (Yeah you and all of Facebook).
I was very VERY lucky over the weekend to get to have some Maternity photos done by the lovely Ainslie at Wild Spirit Photography. To see what she managed to do in the space of a few short hours please check out her blog post here:
That first one, of me on the beach (YES THAT IS ME!) still makes me go "OMG" every time I see it. I cannot believe that she made me look like 'SARAH: GODDESS OF FERTILITY'. And the rest just make me feel very happy - especially the one that backs onto white of me holding onto my big belly :)
Finally, hitting 30 weeks I was ranting a while ago that I would be doing a Grand-Packing of all things tiny and birthy for the hospital. You will be pleased to know I have not packed a single thing - now THAT'S organisation. But I did find the following. And by oath it was cute. Big brother and little brother. Goodness me.
Night folks,
Thursday, 6 October 2011
So I want to share with you a few 'moments' that occurred today between Bugg and myself. The first of which, I was slapped most angrily around the face.
Now I must admit I did not take to kindly to this and I proceeded to put the little sprout down and walk away mostly in a stunned sort-of stupor. It is wonderful that he can now show his emotions such as frustration - not so wonderful that he decides to test these out with me...
So all afternoon I've felt pretty disheartened - not helped by the fact that he has pushed me away at every chance today and only wanted his dad. But I suppose one of us has to be the 'bad-guy' who makes sure we eat dinner and get our bottom changed for bed - all things of which Bugg does not want to partake in.
Sometimes being the rule-enforcer sucks. :(
But after a few hours of him finally going to sleep, I cautiously tip-toed back into his room, trying my hardest not to wake what could possibly resemble a grumpy monster more so than a little boy - and remember why I do all the things I do as a mummy... Because he is my beautiful little boy, and it's my job.
And as he sleeps so peacefully, I get my second moment for the day - and although he doesn't even know he's sharing it with me, Bugg makes me realise how very very lucky I am to be a mummy to him already and a new little person in the not-too-distant future.
Now I must admit I did not take to kindly to this and I proceeded to put the little sprout down and walk away mostly in a stunned sort-of stupor. It is wonderful that he can now show his emotions such as frustration - not so wonderful that he decides to test these out with me...
So all afternoon I've felt pretty disheartened - not helped by the fact that he has pushed me away at every chance today and only wanted his dad. But I suppose one of us has to be the 'bad-guy' who makes sure we eat dinner and get our bottom changed for bed - all things of which Bugg does not want to partake in.
Sometimes being the rule-enforcer sucks. :(
But after a few hours of him finally going to sleep, I cautiously tip-toed back into his room, trying my hardest not to wake what could possibly resemble a grumpy monster more so than a little boy - and remember why I do all the things I do as a mummy... Because he is my beautiful little boy, and it's my job.
And as he sleeps so peacefully, I get my second moment for the day - and although he doesn't even know he's sharing it with me, Bugg makes me realise how very very lucky I am to be a mummy to him already and a new little person in the not-too-distant future.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Several big date reminders
So today besides feeling as though I have become an incubator for the worst head-cold known to man-kind, there are several big dates that have all fallen together.
Well I'm going to get the vaporiser cranking, rub some vicks vaporub on my chest and snuggle up with Simon in bed to watch a movie and pray that somehow by tomorrow I've managed to kick the worst part of this cold - otherwise it'll be an unwanted unpaid sick leave day tomorrow. Yuck.
Oh and heres a picture of Bugg that I couldn't resist taking today. No matter how sick and crabby he is - he always manages to give me a cute photo when i need one :)
Charlie is 16 months old.
Most certainly not a baby anymore, my darling little man impressed me immensely by pointing out a dog, cat, pig, and duck from the same page in his 'I Went Walking' book. I knew he sort of knew what they were but to pick out the different ones I was asking about all in one go... Wowsers! It floored me! So yes - he is 16 months old and now most certainly a toddler. It's about time we pulled our fingers out and finished his big-boy bedroom.There are 17 months left until we get married.
Ahh yes, that date is creeping ever so much closer. Have made another deposit since I whisked my dress into my wardrobe - this time on a fun surprise for our guests! I hope you all like it, some of you already know what it is but for the rest of you... I'm sure you'll enjoy it on the night :)Lastly, today is the 28th week of me being pregnant and thus the beginning of 3rd trimester.
You have no idea how very glad this makes me. Between the sore pelvis (not helped by the fact that last night I crashed into a table) and the constant need to curl up in a ball in random places and sleep - I really am welcoming the end of pregnancy #2. Of course I don't want to 'Go' too early, but in about 2 weeks I'll have my emergency hospital bag packed... And quite possibly be stocking up on those itsy-bitsy newborn nappies I loved so much when Charlie was first born.Well I'm going to get the vaporiser cranking, rub some vicks vaporub on my chest and snuggle up with Simon in bed to watch a movie and pray that somehow by tomorrow I've managed to kick the worst part of this cold - otherwise it'll be an unwanted unpaid sick leave day tomorrow. Yuck.
Oh and heres a picture of Bugg that I couldn't resist taking today. No matter how sick and crabby he is - he always manages to give me a cute photo when i need one :)
Saturday, 1 October 2011
A Final that is so Grand.
So we have many people at our house today celebrating the Grand Final. We are nearing the end and by the looks of it the Geelong supporters are going to go home happy.
Awesome day. Well worth me stressing over getting the house clean this morning.
Awesome day. Well worth me stressing over getting the house clean this morning.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Book Me In For One Baby Please
So I had a friend from my Hydrotherapy class give birth to a beautiful little boy yesterday. We had only been discussing it the night before on how she was booked to have him on the Thursday and afterwards a funny thought hit me...
'I'm actually going to book in an appointment to have Dash.'
And when you think about it - it is a really bizarre concept. You book yourself in for hair appointments and physio appointments but 'Giving Birth' appointments? That's a pretty massive mark to put on your calendar.
I will get to the point where I am sitting at home thinking 'This time in two days I will be going in to have a baby.' Crazy!
I guess I only can say this because Bugg was natural and just came when he darn felt like it.
Sorry Dash, you'll just have to come when Mum says. Poor little man!
'I'm actually going to book in an appointment to have Dash.'
And when you think about it - it is a really bizarre concept. You book yourself in for hair appointments and physio appointments but 'Giving Birth' appointments? That's a pretty massive mark to put on your calendar.
I will get to the point where I am sitting at home thinking 'This time in two days I will be going in to have a baby.' Crazy!
I guess I only can say this because Bugg was natural and just came when he darn felt like it.
Sorry Dash, you'll just have to come when Mum says. Poor little man!
Monday, 19 September 2011
A picture is worth 1000 words...
And when even 1000 words would not do justice for how much I adore my son I'll just leave you with the picture that we were lucky enough to snap yesterday...
Thursday, 15 September 2011
And I keep bringing things home with me...
So yesterday it was Pickle the cat. She is my new friend to balance out the fact that my house is slowly filling with boys. I've even got one working on the inside! So far she has taken over the house. Nice work Pickle - I like your style.
Today my Bring-Home splurge was... Tada! My wedding dress. There was no real need that it HAD to come home with me - apart from the fact that I may want to sneak glances at it every single day from now until I am actually married.
Oh I also grabbed the latest edition of Bride Tasmania. That should keep me entertained for a while at least :)

Two very successful days if you ask me!
Today my Bring-Home splurge was... Tada! My wedding dress. There was no real need that it HAD to come home with me - apart from the fact that I may want to sneak glances at it every single day from now until I am actually married.
Oh I also grabbed the latest edition of Bride Tasmania. That should keep me entertained for a while at least :)

Two very successful days if you ask me!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
First peek at the colour scheme...
So for all you people who keep asking: "What colour are you having your bridesmaids?" this post is for you. After much deliberation factoring several important things (such as the time of year, my favourite colour and what will work with our location) I can reveal to you my two colours that will be in my colour scheme.
The first is this killer eggplant shade. It is awesome.
The second is an olive green. Because we all know green is the best colour in the whole world.
Now as for both colours at this stage I'm not actually sure which will be my bridesmaids and which will just be used in the colour scheme because really I don't want to make up my mind now just to change it in a few weeks time (very possible scenario).
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Lock it in thanks Eddie...
Things now completed on my todo list:
- Book in Maternity Leave: This gets a huge HELLS YES.
So yesterday I applied for and was granted my next batch of maternity leave. And yes I have actually started a countdown calendar on my desk so I can slowly strike off the days until the big date of the 9th December 2011 gets here and I pack up my desk and head off into the land of Mummydom.
I would like to thank the government for their new paid parental leave scheme. I'm actually going to be able to have at least 7 months off with Charlie and Baby Dash with no stress over our finances. What a relief it is.
Other than that my todo list is as long as my arm. But that's alright, I have no rush to get anything else done at the moment. Lazy Lady Ahoy!
- Book in Maternity Leave: This gets a huge HELLS YES.
So yesterday I applied for and was granted my next batch of maternity leave. And yes I have actually started a countdown calendar on my desk so I can slowly strike off the days until the big date of the 9th December 2011 gets here and I pack up my desk and head off into the land of Mummydom.
I would like to thank the government for their new paid parental leave scheme. I'm actually going to be able to have at least 7 months off with Charlie and Baby Dash with no stress over our finances. What a relief it is.
Other than that my todo list is as long as my arm. But that's alright, I have no rush to get anything else done at the moment. Lazy Lady Ahoy!
Friday, 2 September 2011
Quarter of the way down...
So for the last few days I've been a bit sore. And being that bit sore wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all the freaking time. After a few quick phone calls to midwives galore, I was pointed in the direction of a Pelvic Floor Specialist who (hopefully) will be able to help me get my body back to being bearable.
It's not that I expect pregnancy to be a picnic - Gosh, second time around I know it's no picnic! But being sore all the time has lead me to be one exceptionally cranky fat cow and if you ask Groomblogger he will tell you that it's not fun to live with.
On a more crazy note - My baby boy is now 15 months old. When I used to work in Childcare I always thought anything over 14months was toddler-ish... but to be honest I don't want him to be a toddler! I want him to stay as my baby, he's even getting hair. Oh darling boy! Why are you growing so big?!
It is wonderful getting to see him grow and all the fun things he is learning about, but I worry that soon enough he will be in a car with his 'P plates' up and he'll be off down the street without a second glance back for his poor mum :(
I need to stop worrying, I know there are many more merry moments in between then and now - The one I'm looking forward to the most is the first out-of-the-blue "I love you mummy".
And as for the wedding front. Today I received an email reminder - '18 Months til the big day'. Needless to say I kind of crapped myself at this point. When asked, I still tell people I'm not getting married for two years but I guess since Simon was lovely enough to ask me to do him the honours, a quarter of my planning time has lapsed! IT IS GONE!
Of course as you can tell I have been doing stuff but really, 18months left to finance the whole thing and make what I have in my head happen on the day?! I can see why people get so worked up about it!
Anyways, I'm going to have a small nap before I take a relaxing bath in preparation for this evenings special physio appointment. Wow, I know sounds like a hard life I lead doesn't it?
It's not that I expect pregnancy to be a picnic - Gosh, second time around I know it's no picnic! But being sore all the time has lead me to be one exceptionally cranky fat cow and if you ask Groomblogger he will tell you that it's not fun to live with.
On a more crazy note - My baby boy is now 15 months old. When I used to work in Childcare I always thought anything over 14months was toddler-ish... but to be honest I don't want him to be a toddler! I want him to stay as my baby, he's even getting hair. Oh darling boy! Why are you growing so big?!
It is wonderful getting to see him grow and all the fun things he is learning about, but I worry that soon enough he will be in a car with his 'P plates' up and he'll be off down the street without a second glance back for his poor mum :(
I need to stop worrying, I know there are many more merry moments in between then and now - The one I'm looking forward to the most is the first out-of-the-blue "I love you mummy".
And as for the wedding front. Today I received an email reminder - '18 Months til the big day'. Needless to say I kind of crapped myself at this point. When asked, I still tell people I'm not getting married for two years but I guess since Simon was lovely enough to ask me to do him the honours, a quarter of my planning time has lapsed! IT IS GONE!
Of course as you can tell I have been doing stuff but really, 18months left to finance the whole thing and make what I have in my head happen on the day?! I can see why people get so worked up about it!
Anyways, I'm going to have a small nap before I take a relaxing bath in preparation for this evenings special physio appointment. Wow, I know sounds like a hard life I lead doesn't it?
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
New Favourite Purchase: One Wedding Dress
So I've been putting off telling you all this because well, I actually felt a bit silly for organising it so early. But well, it has happened and I am very happy and I guess it is MY wedding so if you think I'm crazy for ordering my dress early I might just punch you in the face if you verbalise this.
So yes... I HAVE PURCHASED MY WEDDING DRESS. Well actually I have lay-by'd my wedding dress. Same thing really. After trying on HEAPS of gorgeous gowns the one I've picked... I just cant describe it. It makes me feel so special and I absolutely loved it when I first put it on. I wont be able to wear it again until after Dash is born so I've just got to go with the photos online (because Rayanne wont let you take photos there - poo!) and then next year we'll start working it out to fit me perfectly.
So yes... I HAVE PURCHASED MY WEDDING DRESS. Well actually I have lay-by'd my wedding dress. Same thing really. After trying on HEAPS of gorgeous gowns the one I've picked... I just cant describe it. It makes me feel so special and I absolutely loved it when I first put it on. I wont be able to wear it again until after Dash is born so I've just got to go with the photos online (because Rayanne wont let you take photos there - poo!) and then next year we'll start working it out to fit me perfectly.
One word: Excitement.
The rest of our days have been filled with a snotty toddler, a cranky fat woman and a hairy-faced man who can't be bothered shaving. The joyous home life that we live. It is a glorious thing.
Monday, 15 August 2011
And the lesson of the weekend... I'm pregnant.
The last week or so has been relatively busy. I kept thinking to myself "Woman, you are twenty weeks pregnant, get on a blog about how wonderful it is that you are halfway there!" and I really just couldn't find two seconds to be motivated to do so. Terrible I know.
The Saturday just gone I spent most of the day bustling about and every single thing I did made me actually feel pregnant. Normally I know I'm up the duff but when almost everything you do highlights the fact that you are in fact a blobbing big whale that cannot keep up with everyone else it is mighty depressing.
Swimming in the morning - I couldn't get in the pool which Charlie because I cannot physically support him for half an hour in the water without getting massively puffed.
Lunch - Couldn't finish my food because there is NO BLOODY ROOM IN MY TUMMY at the moment. And I needed a lift up to my car which ultimately wasn't that far away.
Afternoon time - Nanna-napping for what should've been 30 minutes but what ended up being 2 hours (consequentially making me REALLY LATE for pre-party drinkies (lemonade) at Shazza's house).
Erin's 30th - Not in any way able to keep up with my work friends. At all. The end. They are all crazy. And I look like I've swallowed a basketball filled with cement. Good Lord.
So this weekend I decided I would think of something good to blog about and I came to the conclusion that I would try Instagramming my day and it went as follows.
The Saturday just gone I spent most of the day bustling about and every single thing I did made me actually feel pregnant. Normally I know I'm up the duff but when almost everything you do highlights the fact that you are in fact a blobbing big whale that cannot keep up with everyone else it is mighty depressing.
Swimming in the morning - I couldn't get in the pool which Charlie because I cannot physically support him for half an hour in the water without getting massively puffed.
Lunch - Couldn't finish my food because there is NO BLOODY ROOM IN MY TUMMY at the moment. And I needed a lift up to my car which ultimately wasn't that far away.
Afternoon time - Nanna-napping for what should've been 30 minutes but what ended up being 2 hours (consequentially making me REALLY LATE for pre-party drinkies (lemonade) at Shazza's house).
Erin's 30th - Not in any way able to keep up with my work friends. At all. The end. They are all crazy. And I look like I've swallowed a basketball filled with cement. Good Lord.
So this weekend I decided I would think of something good to blog about and I came to the conclusion that I would try Instagramming my day and it went as follows.
Day of Instragrams #1: Slam dunk at swimming.
I do enjoy watching my two boys having fun in the pool together. I'm looking forward to starting Dash swimming next year - then both Simon and I will get to jump in and get wet! Fun!
Day of Instragrams #2: Avoiding grumpy gnomes.
And also bargain hunters at the KnD home show to purchase new pot plants for the front door. Oh and security lights - because walking around our house in the dark is a dangerous business.
Day of Instragrams #3: Impulse buys. They do include outdoor furniture :)
So we went straight from KnD to Barbeques Galore and found an 8-seater outdoor setting for half-price and decided to lay buy it because we want somewhere nice to sit in the summer time. Shame now it just means I've got ANOTHER surface to keep clean!
Day of Instragrams #4: Lovely ladies out for lunch.
Preachers - starring: Maddy, Laura, Nicole, Vic, Dimi and Nat. Was very nice to catch up even if we did nearly freeze to death. Heaters should be for more than just night time people! In Tassie they should be all day devices!
Day of Instragrams #5: Pre-drinkies at Shazza's place :)
Kind of would've been better if my nanna-nap hadn't made me so late! Uh well.
Day of Instragrams #6: Tearing up the Longley dancefloor.
We danced to amazing 80's music. It was epic.
Day of Instragrams #7: Birthday girl stuffing her face.
"Erin stop eating pizza so I can take a photo" "No - It's my birthday and I'm hungry".
Day of Instragrams #8: Where is my lunchbox?
And the token scary Bear in the background. Goodness me!
Day of Instragrams #10: Ballooning in Pregnancy.
Yes Bri, you did look Pregnant. If pregnant people looked like they had balloons stuffed up their tops. You drunk, drunk girl :)
I know right? Massively exciting day. OK. I'm done now. I might do a more grown-up update about being preggers later. Maybe not though.
Friday, 5 August 2011
Jeans for Genes
So after my grizzle this morning I have gotten over myself and decided I will now give you a short rant on something important.
Today is Jeans for Genes day. Jeans for Genes is a major national fundraiser for the Children's Medical Research Institute. Even if you have not actually put any denim on (or even if you've double-denimed it up for the day), I can only ask you ever-so-kindly go find yourself a badge-seller or head to their website here to do your little bit.
Simon, Charlie and I have all worn our jeans today. Just for the occassion and I must say we do all look very spunky.
It's just a shame that wearing jeans covered in self-made designs of material paint are not cool at the moment - or are they? Hmm, I shall have to investigate.
Oh yes, and also I wanted to let you know that I managed to get a lift up the hill today AND I'm getting to finish 30 mins early too. BONUS. So my icky day is icky no more.
Today is Jeans for Genes day. Jeans for Genes is a major national fundraiser for the Children's Medical Research Institute. Even if you have not actually put any denim on (or even if you've double-denimed it up for the day), I can only ask you ever-so-kindly go find yourself a badge-seller or head to their website here to do your little bit.
Simon, Charlie and I have all worn our jeans today. Just for the occassion and I must say we do all look very spunky.
It's just a shame that wearing jeans covered in self-made designs of material paint are not cool at the moment - or are they? Hmm, I shall have to investigate.
Oh yes, and also I wanted to let you know that I managed to get a lift up the hill today AND I'm getting to finish 30 mins early too. BONUS. So my icky day is icky no more.
I also got to buy the following (with permission from my darling Simon), to fill our downstairs entrance way with a bit of decorative love.
Dreary Old Friday
So I know I've been saying that we shouldn't complain and today I think I've ignored my own advice. Since I woke up it's all I've done.
The icky things include, the fact that I barely got any sleep after about 3am this morning, I forgot my lunch, I discovered I have a hole in my shoe so my feet and jeans got saturated on the walk down from the car, the car is pretty much as far away as it could possibly get and my chances of getting a lift with someone this arvo are slim to none, and just to top it off I will be single-parenting this evening. What fun.
It is these Dreary Old Fridays that make us desperate for the weekend to arrive, even if they promise only more wet weather - at least you can stay inside in front of the TV, curled up under a blanket.
This here was my outlook this morning, as I trudged down from the car. Not really that appealing if you ask me.
One nice thing I did spot on the walk down however, were the gorgeous little blossoms on the trees. It reminded me that days like this don't last and something better is coming - weather-wise it will be Spring, and for me it will be the arrival of Baby Dash.
OK. I can stop complaining now, maybe I will be able to scum a lift up to the car tonight... Goodness me.
The icky things include, the fact that I barely got any sleep after about 3am this morning, I forgot my lunch, I discovered I have a hole in my shoe so my feet and jeans got saturated on the walk down from the car, the car is pretty much as far away as it could possibly get and my chances of getting a lift with someone this arvo are slim to none, and just to top it off I will be single-parenting this evening. What fun.
It is these Dreary Old Fridays that make us desperate for the weekend to arrive, even if they promise only more wet weather - at least you can stay inside in front of the TV, curled up under a blanket.
This here was my outlook this morning, as I trudged down from the car. Not really that appealing if you ask me.
One nice thing I did spot on the walk down however, were the gorgeous little blossoms on the trees. It reminded me that days like this don't last and something better is coming - weather-wise it will be Spring, and for me it will be the arrival of Baby Dash.
OK. I can stop complaining now, maybe I will be able to scum a lift up to the car tonight... Goodness me.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Scrapbook Love
Over the last few months I have been collecting lots of lovely pictures of wedding dresses, designs for table settings, colour schemes and other bits and pieces.
So what would make the most sense? To make a pretty scrapbook to keep all these pictures in.
So today I went to Big W and found a lovely little book, some swish pieces of paper and some double-sided stickytape and got to work.
I've had a jolly old time this afternoon decorating the first few pages, and once I get some photos in it I'm looking forward to sharing them with you all.
So what would make the most sense? To make a pretty scrapbook to keep all these pictures in.
So today I went to Big W and found a lovely little book, some swish pieces of paper and some double-sided stickytape and got to work.
I've had a jolly old time this afternoon decorating the first few pages, and once I get some photos in it I'm looking forward to sharing them with you all.
"Hello there mum, it is nice to see you - but no - I will not roll over into the position you want so the lady can take my photo"
And Dash did not change his mind through his photo-shoot yesterday so I got to lay in different positions to try and get the sprout to smile and show us his little self.
Getting to hear my second son's heartbeat was wonderful, racing along - just like Charlie's did when he was in there.
Just watching those little chambers flush in and out too fast to really see clearly, counting ten fingers and toes, seeing two eyes and that all the bones are where they are meant to be... knowing that I've made another one that seems OK... Made me a little teary.
When you are a first time mum you have so many horrible statistics about losing the baby, the second time around you can't help but be a little bit scared (even if everything went spot-on first go). So a scan that went as wonderfully as this has made me very happy.
I do love my beautiful boys. All three of them. What a lucky lucky lady I am.
And Dash did not change his mind through his photo-shoot yesterday so I got to lay in different positions to try and get the sprout to smile and show us his little self.
Just watching those little chambers flush in and out too fast to really see clearly, counting ten fingers and toes, seeing two eyes and that all the bones are where they are meant to be... knowing that I've made another one that seems OK... Made me a little teary.
When you are a first time mum you have so many horrible statistics about losing the baby, the second time around you can't help but be a little bit scared (even if everything went spot-on first go). So a scan that went as wonderfully as this has made me very happy.
I do love my beautiful boys. All three of them. What a lucky lucky lady I am.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
When is a Laundry Basket not a Laundry Basket? When it's a Tunnel of Adventure. Duh.
So it's been a busy few days. Doing family things, trying on yet more wedding dresses, complaining about my tax return taking SO DAMN LONG to get here - you know, the usual.
I just wanted to share with you though, this very cute moment that occurred the other day.
Simon had knocked over the washing basket in the hallway and we soon discovered that 'Who needs to buy an expensive play tunnel when this works just fine thank-you-very-much?'
Also you may be interested to know (and I cant wait to show you photos when I manage to capture that too) of Bugg-man using a fork. He is a rather forceful eater. I'm glad it's the pasta he's stabbing with that fork and not me.
I just wanted to share with you though, this very cute moment that occurred the other day.
Simon had knocked over the washing basket in the hallway and we soon discovered that 'Who needs to buy an expensive play tunnel when this works just fine thank-you-very-much?'
'I have so many expensive toys, but I'd rather play with the wash basket'
'Mum did you know there was a tunnel in our loungeroom?'
'Watch your head!'
In other exciting news I can now feel Baby Dash kick with my hand on my tummy. I'm yet to see my jelly-belly wobble but I know we can't be far off. I'll have some more pictures of Dash for you tomorrow after I go for my 20 week scan.
Also you may be interested to know (and I cant wait to show you photos when I manage to capture that too) of Bugg-man using a fork. He is a rather forceful eater. I'm glad it's the pasta he's stabbing with that fork and not me.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Now I can't even get through simple Rom-Coms without crying!
Shortly after Charlie was born, Simon and I had Gold Glass tickets we needed to use up within the space of a week or so. There was nothing either of us really wanted to see and so we ended up going to 'Life as we know it'.
For new parents it was very funny, taking everything you have to learn as a new parent and throwing it up there on the big screen - it was even where Charlie's poop face was named.
Tonight, watching it again however I could barely stop myself crying throughout most of the movie. Yes it is deemed a Romantic Comedy but when you really think about it, the romance and funny bits about being parents are really just this light-hearted fluff on top of something so much more meaningful.
Two people who love a child so much that they will do anything for them - Just like parents, even when this is not biologically so.
It got me thinking about what would happen to Charlie and possibly Dash if anything were to happen to Simon and I? The thought of either of my boys being raised by anyone other than us seems completely off limits to think about because it makes me too sad. The thought of them calling someone else 'Mummy' is almost too much to take entirely.
It is like being sucked into an emotional whirlwind, I haven't felt like this such a long time... and I thought I was being more relaxed this pregnancy around!
Must remember - don't watch this movie again until all pregnancy hormones are out of the system! (Three Mars Bars later I do feel a bit better though).
For new parents it was very funny, taking everything you have to learn as a new parent and throwing it up there on the big screen - it was even where Charlie's poop face was named.
Tonight, watching it again however I could barely stop myself crying throughout most of the movie. Yes it is deemed a Romantic Comedy but when you really think about it, the romance and funny bits about being parents are really just this light-hearted fluff on top of something so much more meaningful.
Two people who love a child so much that they will do anything for them - Just like parents, even when this is not biologically so.
It got me thinking about what would happen to Charlie and possibly Dash if anything were to happen to Simon and I? The thought of either of my boys being raised by anyone other than us seems completely off limits to think about because it makes me too sad. The thought of them calling someone else 'Mummy' is almost too much to take entirely.
It is like being sucked into an emotional whirlwind, I haven't felt like this such a long time... and I thought I was being more relaxed this pregnancy around!
Must remember - don't watch this movie again until all pregnancy hormones are out of the system! (Three Mars Bars later I do feel a bit better though).
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Yeah he really bit me...
We have all seen this YouTube clip at some point or another, we have all had a bit of a giggle about it too.
Hmm... Well today I was having a full body hug with Charlie and he just so happend to sink his darling little chompers into my left shoulder. I know he didn't do it maliciously and it's more of an "I'm so excited I could nip you" type of thing but - I kid you not, through my shirt and hoody he managed to draw blood.
So down he went onto the floor, on went the grumpy mummy voice and on went the waterworks. Not impressed.
A few minutes later we did have a lovely cuddle to make up for it but far out that boy has a jaw of steel! We also had a chat about not biting people because it hurts and although I don't know how much he really understood he seemed to shake his head whenever I did so here is hoping some of it sunk it. (Like his teeth did).
And if you were wondering - my favourite song from Hydrotherapy tonight was that Abba one, I think it's called I Have A Dream or Across The Sea. Or something. Pan flute was out - it was amazing.
Hmm... Well today I was having a full body hug with Charlie and he just so happend to sink his darling little chompers into my left shoulder. I know he didn't do it maliciously and it's more of an "I'm so excited I could nip you" type of thing but - I kid you not, through my shirt and hoody he managed to draw blood.
So down he went onto the floor, on went the grumpy mummy voice and on went the waterworks. Not impressed.
A few minutes later we did have a lovely cuddle to make up for it but far out that boy has a jaw of steel! We also had a chat about not biting people because it hurts and although I don't know how much he really understood he seemed to shake his head whenever I did so here is hoping some of it sunk it. (Like his teeth did).
And if you were wondering - my favourite song from Hydrotherapy tonight was that Abba one, I think it's called I Have A Dream or Across The Sea. Or something. Pan flute was out - it was amazing.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Dresses of Yesterday...
So I've been day dreaming non-stop about my dress... well to be honest about two dresses. Two very very lovely dresses. I decided to do a bit of a Google Search for dresses that were popular in a few random decades just to see what other ladies wore for their big days.
I'm totally into puffy dresses but maybe something a little less uh, well... something nicer anyways.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Sunday Night Blogging...
So after such a fun-filled weekend I feel the week may prove to be slightly boring - it'll be just work work and more work. Now don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy my job, it's just after a new car, trying on dizzyingly exciting amounts of white dresses and so much wonderful company this weekend I don't really want it to end.
Gosh. Well, there is only one thing for it. Tomorrow morning, I'll start calling around to make appointments to try on more dresses! Woohoo!
It's Sunday night and the house is silent. For once in my life I'm actually going to get to bed before 9.30pm. That my friends, is a record. Two of my boys are in bed already and I have a third currently doing karate kicks in my tummy because I've got the laptop on my legs and I get the impression he's not a fan of the humming sensation... sorry little one. I'll go to bed now too is that OK?
Life, is lovely.
Night lovely ones,
Gosh. Well, there is only one thing for it. Tomorrow morning, I'll start calling around to make appointments to try on more dresses! Woohoo!
It's Sunday night and the house is silent. For once in my life I'm actually going to get to bed before 9.30pm. That my friends, is a record. Two of my boys are in bed already and I have a third currently doing karate kicks in my tummy because I've got the laptop on my legs and I get the impression he's not a fan of the humming sensation... sorry little one. I'll go to bed now too is that OK?
Life, is lovely.
Night lovely ones,
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Finding 'The Dress'.
They say when you see it you know. And boy were they right. I got to see myself in several pretty dresses today. Ranging from white, to ivory to champagne, some poofy, some floaty and some slinky. The dress I had in mind unfortunately didn't excite me quite as much as I had hoped it would.
Perhaps it was because I had put such high hopes on it that it was just never going to live up to my expectations - but it just wasn't right.
I was momentarily dismayed at this prospect, but after changing shops it was clear that I needed to be a little more open minded for finding the perfect dress for me and looking online is risky unless there is the ability for me to see and touch the dress in question.
So trying on some other styles, I quickly grasped the concept that although my boobs and belly are larger than normal, there were certain dresses that suited me and certain ones that definitely belong on somebody else.
The one thing I was NOT expecting to happen today was for me to actually put a dress on, well up in tears when a vail was placed over my head and think "This is the dress I'm going to take a life-altering step in". That moment ladies, is magical. It is almost as elating as holding your baby for the first time - seriously, I put it on par with that overwhelming sensation of pure happiness.
The way it sat on my body, accentuated all my good bits and hid the other parts that obviously I don't want out on show - it was just perfect. And although I do promise to keep looking, I think the bar has been set and for it to actually be shifted would take another dress of MAGNIFICENT quality and amazingness to sway me.
I am now fully aware that I have a strong need to 'up' my budget for my dress, so I guess I'll be cutting costs for the big day elsewhere. Not sure how yet - but if I'd known my 'wanting' would be this strong for a particular piece of fabric I would've possibly created a backup plan.
I must tell you (if you haven't already heard of it) that Studio White in Burnie is a fantastic little shop, tucked neatly away in a far of corner of Tassie. If you are in Hobart it is well worth dragging your bridesmaids along for a road trip to check it out. Their details are on my links page or you can just go here...
Perhaps it was because I had put such high hopes on it that it was just never going to live up to my expectations - but it just wasn't right.
I was momentarily dismayed at this prospect, but after changing shops it was clear that I needed to be a little more open minded for finding the perfect dress for me and looking online is risky unless there is the ability for me to see and touch the dress in question.
So trying on some other styles, I quickly grasped the concept that although my boobs and belly are larger than normal, there were certain dresses that suited me and certain ones that definitely belong on somebody else.
The one thing I was NOT expecting to happen today was for me to actually put a dress on, well up in tears when a vail was placed over my head and think "This is the dress I'm going to take a life-altering step in". That moment ladies, is magical. It is almost as elating as holding your baby for the first time - seriously, I put it on par with that overwhelming sensation of pure happiness.
The way it sat on my body, accentuated all my good bits and hid the other parts that obviously I don't want out on show - it was just perfect. And although I do promise to keep looking, I think the bar has been set and for it to actually be shifted would take another dress of MAGNIFICENT quality and amazingness to sway me.
I am now fully aware that I have a strong need to 'up' my budget for my dress, so I guess I'll be cutting costs for the big day elsewhere. Not sure how yet - but if I'd known my 'wanting' would be this strong for a particular piece of fabric I would've possibly created a backup plan.
I must tell you (if you haven't already heard of it) that Studio White in Burnie is a fantastic little shop, tucked neatly away in a far of corner of Tassie. If you are in Hobart it is well worth dragging your bridesmaids along for a road trip to check it out. Their details are on my links page or you can just go here...
The car went like a dream in case you were wondering. I am so very very glad it is ours. I thought I would want to share the driving job but really I didn't feel as though I drove for around 8 hours all up!
What an awesome fantastic wonderful day. Especially when Chloe (my Maid of Honour) said "What? Do you have a blog?" Talk about support! At least you all read this.
Oh and whilst I have your attention that sketch is just up for show. Not what I have picked out (maybe) but I did promise photos and now because I want it to be a surprise I don't really want to share them! Also the sketch is in no way mine, I found it on Google - I'm sure if you looked up Wedding Dress Sketches you would find a whole heap and see where this one came from too. So if you really want to check it out - happy hunting!
Friday, 22 July 2011
Wowsers - 5000 Views.
Hey just quickly - This has left me a bit stunned. I cannot believe so many people have flicked through my blog pages. I actually feel a bit touched (no not in the head).
So tomorrow I am going to Ulverstone. I say this to people and their first wonderful reaction is "Um, why would you go to Ulverstone?" and they crinkle their nose. I would go to Ulverstone to see my (hopefully) wedding dress sillies!
Yes that is right - it is at Lush in Ulverstone, the ONLY place that stocks the designer and dress range here in Tassie. You've got to love how we are spoilt for choice.
Now I will certainly NOT be sharing any photos with you because obviously if it is 'The Dress' it needs to remain a surprise. But I am hoping to get a few dresses on so you can see me in a bit of a montage. You know - that might be fun.
The lovely ladies joining me are Han, Teegs, Chloe and Emma. Will be lovely. Also, we are going to go up and see Hannah's dress in Burnie. I can guarantee we will be all white-dressed out by the end of the day. Especially because the drive will be SOOOOO long!
Yes that is right - it is at Lush in Ulverstone, the ONLY place that stocks the designer and dress range here in Tassie. You've got to love how we are spoilt for choice.
Now I will certainly NOT be sharing any photos with you because obviously if it is 'The Dress' it needs to remain a surprise. But I am hoping to get a few dresses on so you can see me in a bit of a montage. You know - that might be fun.
The lovely ladies joining me are Han, Teegs, Chloe and Emma. Will be lovely. Also, we are going to go up and see Hannah's dress in Burnie. I can guarantee we will be all white-dressed out by the end of the day. Especially because the drive will be SOOOOO long!
And how are we getting there? Our new car. Finally got the keys for it today. Ford Territory. Goes very nicely. I feel like I can crush other cars in it. Yeah - maybe not.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Gallery Goodness
So it's 10pm. I have a very upset child who is sick and we're all just a little bit hysterical. What can I do to calm my nerves... fix that stupid Engagement Party Gallery. (Yes this probably did actually stress me out even more but I really wanted to get it done).

This is done. It is awesome now! Go and check yourselves out on the Gallery page!
Also pray that our night be as sleep-filled as possible. Otherwise I may just die at work tomorrow.
This is done. It is awesome now! Go and check yourselves out on the Gallery page!
Also pray that our night be as sleep-filled as possible. Otherwise I may just die at work tomorrow.
So when a girl is actually a boy...
So yesterday I raved about how I was totally OK with having a boy. Truth is I think it's been a bit of a bigger shock than I expected. I really was totally convinced in my head that I had a little miss in there. Now I feel a bit guilty because its like "Sorry little one - I'm only just meeting you for the first time because you seem like a totally different baby." I actually get this tiny notion that I've lost a little girl and found a little boy... it's really weird.
Simon and I sat on the couch last night and we have composed a big list of boy names we either both like or at least one of us likes. Please be warned now we are not naming this little man until he comes out so don't pester us too much about it. As with Charlie, we will take one look at him and say "You my friend, are a ......., welcome to the world."
It was a funny sensation, sitting together after I got home from Hydrotherapy. Both continually saying to the other "You really are happy about it aren't you?" both I think secretly hoping the other will say, "Well no, I kind of had my heart set on a girl" so we don't feel so bad about kind of thinking the same thing.
But as I said yesterday - we make awesome little boys so as long as this little man is healthy we really have nothing to complain about.
Now - having said all of this, Dott is no longer appropriate. Neither is Dott and the Whale. So what we are doing is changing baby's new belly-name to Dash (Keeping with the Morse-code theme) and because my tummy is about to look like I've swallowed a bolder the new name of my blog will be Balderdash, taken from the game. Clever huh? (And you thought all my braincells were screwy!)
That is all for now.
Simon and I sat on the couch last night and we have composed a big list of boy names we either both like or at least one of us likes. Please be warned now we are not naming this little man until he comes out so don't pester us too much about it. As with Charlie, we will take one look at him and say "You my friend, are a ......., welcome to the world."
It was a funny sensation, sitting together after I got home from Hydrotherapy. Both continually saying to the other "You really are happy about it aren't you?" both I think secretly hoping the other will say, "Well no, I kind of had my heart set on a girl" so we don't feel so bad about kind of thinking the same thing.
But as I said yesterday - we make awesome little boys so as long as this little man is healthy we really have nothing to complain about.
Now - having said all of this, Dott is no longer appropriate. Neither is Dott and the Whale. So what we are doing is changing baby's new belly-name to Dash (Keeping with the Morse-code theme) and because my tummy is about to look like I've swallowed a bolder the new name of my blog will be Balderdash, taken from the game. Clever huh? (And you thought all my braincells were screwy!)
That is all for now.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
May I have the envelope please...
So this morning Charlie and I headed to my Obs Checkup. Pretty routine. Except we could find out for sure what Dott's gender was. Oh yes, we were incredibly excited.
Because Simon couldn't attend with us he went off to work and whilst Dr Turner was rolling the scan-thing over my tummy (with Charlie straddled on my lap watching her intently) we got to see the little head and spine on the tiny black telly of what will grow to become his younger sibling.
I asked Dr Turner to write the gender down on a piece of paper and pop it in an envelope so I could take it to Simon and we could open it together. She was totally fine with this. She also said that it was very easy to tell what it was and she was very certain about it. Good grief. I had no idea if this meant there was a big willy plonked there now or if the giny bits were obvious...
Charlie and I battled the cold up to Simon's work, and standing in the lobby by ourselves Simon does the honours and opens up the envelope. Inside is a little yellow sticky note. And on it is one word scrawled in what can only be a Doctor's writing.
Because Simon couldn't attend with us he went off to work and whilst Dr Turner was rolling the scan-thing over my tummy (with Charlie straddled on my lap watching her intently) we got to see the little head and spine on the tiny black telly of what will grow to become his younger sibling.
I asked Dr Turner to write the gender down on a piece of paper and pop it in an envelope so I could take it to Simon and we could open it together. She was totally fine with this. She also said that it was very easy to tell what it was and she was very certain about it. Good grief. I had no idea if this meant there was a big willy plonked there now or if the giny bits were obvious...
Charlie and I battled the cold up to Simon's work, and standing in the lobby by ourselves Simon does the honours and opens up the envelope. Inside is a little yellow sticky note. And on it is one word scrawled in what can only be a Doctor's writing.
And wow, has that word turned my entire day upside down. I was so convinced it was a girl. Certainly NOT dissapointed (incase that's what you're thinking) just slightly shocked and waiting for the feeling to return to my toes. I'm not worried about boys - I have one absolutely brilliant one already so I know I can mother them... it's just... can you imagine two? At about 9-10? DESTROYING MY HOUSE? I'm a tiny bit frightened.
I have had my hand taken by my Supervisor at work and these words "Welcome to our world" spoken so softly and in the meaning of "Mother's with only boys" goodness me.
What a whirlwind this is going to be.
And most certainly how happy I have made Charlie and even Simon.. I will be so totally outnumbered on family trips, I may want to go shopping but they will all want to go watch cricket or footy. 3 against 1!
But anywhos... This is grand news. I am excited, Simon is excited and as this slowly leaks out I'm assuming people will be excited too.
Sorry I lied to you at the Engagement party! I really did think the nurse was right!!
Friday, 8 July 2011
Roly Polys
So Dott has been moving a fair bit today. It is so lovely. I had forgotten how wonderful this feeling was. It is like a flutter that I know will eventually change to be a massive boot in the ribs. But for now her teeny tiny roly polys are wonderful. They reassure me that everything is OK and they remind me exactly the reason I was put on this earth for - to create new life.
We got to see our little friend baby Sophie (9 weeks old) on Wednesday and she reminded me how tiny they can be, and Charlie then made sure I remembered that a big boofa baby is still just as gorgeous by doing cute face as he threw balls from the ballpit all around the lounge room.
So am I looking forward to the new-baby-smell? YES, yes I am. Hoorah!
I love life right about now :)
We got to see our little friend baby Sophie (9 weeks old) on Wednesday and she reminded me how tiny they can be, and Charlie then made sure I remembered that a big boofa baby is still just as gorgeous by doing cute face as he threw balls from the ballpit all around the lounge room.
So am I looking forward to the new-baby-smell? YES, yes I am. Hoorah!
I love life right about now :)
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Count Your Blessings
So I complain a bit about morning sickness. And by a bit I actually mean HEAPS. Most of the time it is justified because I really do feel like utter crap... but something hit me last night which I think will stop me whinging quite so loudly.
A close friends current health status made me realise that although I wake up and want to throw my guts up every morning, I am actually a healthy individual. Me complaining about a bit of queasiness is really just a bit ridiculous.
And for anyone else who loves to whinge in general - you should take this little note on board too, no matter how awful your day may seem, somebody else is doing it tougher than you, so stop complaining and get on with it!
A close friends current health status made me realise that although I wake up and want to throw my guts up every morning, I am actually a healthy individual. Me complaining about a bit of queasiness is really just a bit ridiculous.

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